The National Youth Council of Slovenia (Mladinski svet Slovenije – MSS) is an umbrella organization linking all national youth organisations irrespective of their various interests,ideological or political orientations. As a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, it represents the opinions of Slovenian youth at the national and international level.
The key purpose of MSS is to defend the interests of young people and to promote their participation in policy making process in the fields which have a significant impact on their lives and work.
MSS strives to create an environment in which young people can become autonomous, responsible, sympathetic and active individuals and members of society. It also endeavours to improve the position of young people as a specific social group.
MSS strives for association and representation of all youth organisations as well as for effective cooperation with youth structures at the local, regional, national and international level.
Together with its member organisations it works toward achieving its mission and developing the youth sector.
MSS creates youth policies, leads the dialogue in the non-governmental youth sector, promotes the development of youth work and non-formal education and continuously strives for their recognition. It is recognised as a key representative and advocate of youth by all target audiences.